We all know learning the guitar takes practise.
And it’s pretty much the only reason your students won’t progress with their playing.
But no matter how much you tell them some won’t.
And they don’t progress.
Do you have students like this?
I know I do.
Here’s a couple of tips to get them practising
Write down exactly what you want them to practise during the week.
Don’t give them choice, they want you to tell them what to do, that’s why they are paying you.
Give them a practise schedule to record their practise times.
This makes them accountable, you’ll be able to see exactly how much they practised that week.
Make it fun!
If they enjoy it they’ll do more of it!
Try it with your students and see if it works.
Now to you my friend.
How much do you practise?
I don’t mean guitar.
I mean getting better at running your business.
Same principle, the more you practise getting better at business the better you get.
Except the rewards are much cooler.
The better you are at running your business…
The more money you make
The less hours your work
The more time you have to do cool stuff
And the more money to do it with.
That might just be more time practising with a more expensive guitar.
But that’s up to you.
So when someone wants to learn guitar they invest in a guitar teacher.
When you want to get better at running your business you should invest in learning how.
That’s where I can help.
If you want a 30 min coaching call with someone who’s gone through all the same struggles you have, just click here